Video's over bewustwording van lichaam en vruchtbaarheid

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1. Do you know the stages of your menstrual cycle?
1. Do you know the stages of your menstrual cycle?
2. What and when is your Fertile Window?
2. What and when is your Fertile Window?
3. What are Estrogen and Progesterone?
3. What are Estrogen and Progesterone?
4. What is BBT and why does it matter?
4. What is BBT and why does it matter?
5. What is Cervical Mucus and what is it telling you?
5. What is Cervical Mucus and what is it telling you?
Femometer Smart Fertility Tracker Sub
Femometer Smart Fertility Tracker Sub
FemometerVinca II How to use
FemometerVinca II How to use